Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lanvin ♥ H&M - Necklace

Nothing is as amazing as when a designer collaborates with an affordable clothing chain such as H&M. The downside of a collaboration is that the collection is only available in certain cities, countries and locations. I am fortunate enough to live in a city that has a passion for fashion and many H&M stores. I intentionally was going to line up in the cold to buy and own one piece from the Lanvin ♥ H&M collection, but I changed my mind at the very last minute. I already knew people were staying in line over night and that my chances were quite slim on buying anything. So, I decided to stay home and wait out the possible return of items. Therefore another downside is having to wait in line and the people who purchase items to sell them on ebay for a higher price. It is sad to know that people want to make the extra dollar off of anything. Regardless, two weeks later of the release date, I was fortunate enough to snag a necklace. I guess good things happen to people who the waiting game continues for other accessories and clothes from this collaboration!

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